'Not in a position to give anyone feedback.' says Costume Designer Shivendu Shekhar

'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' - Lao Tzu

I am confident that when Lao Tzu said these words he meant that every journey has it's crests and troughs and you must be ready for the course to attain specific results. Shivendu Shekhar is a Costume Designer and has been a part of the film fraternity for the last 12 years. Over the course of this time, Shivendu has been through some good, and some bad moments, and during our conversation, I got to understand his life and journey in a better manner. Here are some questions during our discussion, and you can leave yours in the comments in case you want to ask him something:

Q: Where are you from?

Shivendu: I hail from Tatangar in Jamshedpur.

Q: How did this journey start about?

Shivendu: As every other Indian, I was fascinated with movies since my early days, and wanted to understand the gamut of functions, especially the design. Now, Design has many aspects, but I liked the dress, and the way people dressed. I did my fashion design course, and then topped it up with my education in Mumbai. After the completion of my studies, I started working with the Bollywood Industry.

Q: What's been your work experience?

Shivendu: I have been in the industry for the last 12 years, and have worked with a host of companies and varied projects. During the journey, I have worked in small and big budget movies, and still aspire to do the best at all times.

Q: Now that you have mentioned about big budget movies, do you think working with big stars is difficult or otherwise?

Shivendu: Working with anyone and everyone is of the same way. No matter who your actor is, you need to get directions from the director because he has concieved the movie and the shot already. If the actor has any concerns they can share it with the director, and we work according to the directions.

Q: So do you think that movies like Padmavat have more work in the costume department due to the grandeur while it is less in movies like Ankhon Dekhi and Kadwi Hawa?

Shivendu: Every movie has it's own reasons, and requires specific skills. Padmavat had it's own work, so did Ankhon Dekhi. If the actor can walk the part, you did a good job, if not, your work is ruined. Kadwi Hawa is a masterpiece, and if you look at the work done by Sanjay Mishra Ji you would understand that even the simplest of movies require precision.

Q: Speaking of Padmavat, do you think controversy for the movie, as well as 'Udta Punjab' among others helped the business, and does 'Controversy create cash'?

Shivendu: We need to understand the aspect of work of the directors, and while controversy isn't required, it at times stems from any rumors that get spread. These rumors catch like wildfire, and end up being the reason for more chaos. Controversy may create cash, but it isn't always required.

Q: You are working in a movie titled,'Ram Janmbhoomi' that has been embroiled in controversy as well. Any thoughts?

Shivendu: The movie has simplest information, and has nothing controversial, but as I said earlier. rumors create controversies, and we should avoid that. Let's wait for the movie to see the light of the day, and the audience's concerns will be addressed.

Q: With the advancements in the way we see things, and web series being the next big thing, are you a part of any project?

Shivendu: I am a part of The Reel & Real life of Wasseypur (Hindi series), and Hi Ka Ti to Ki Ha (Marathi series).

Q: Along with web series, are there any other movie projects going on or are slated to be released in due time?

Shivendu: I am a part of Ramjanambhoomi (Hindi movie), Shubham Bhavatu (Marathi movie), Gentle/P se pyaar F se Faraar (Hindi movie) that will be released in 2019.

Q: With the variety of content constantly changing, and the way movies are evolving, is there any movie you wish to do?

Shivendu: I am a huge admirer of good cinema, and would love to work in movies like Perfume.

Q: Any advice you wish to give someone pursing the same career as yours?

Shivendu: I am in no position to give anyone feedback. Just the fact that you should follow your dreams, irrespective of the surroundings.

Interview conducted by Amit Shukla


  1. Wonderful!!! Shivendu sir you rock

  2. Proud of you my friend.... Keep it up,my good whishes always with you.


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