An Introduction to The Mis Studio

Official Logo The Mis Studio 

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” - Thomas Merton

We at The Mis Studio live by Thomas Merton's quote, because wherever we see around us, we find art, be it cinematic, theatrical or even literature.

With the omnipresent art around us, we are always inclined towards giving opportunities to all that aspire to do something ground breaking in any form of art.

Think you have the courage to accomplish the unfathomable, then The Mis Studio is there for you.

Stay tuned  for gleaming and glistening updates on our blog regularly.

With Love,

- The Mis Studio


  1. I totally agree with this thought n I connect myself very well to it as an artist.

    1. Thank you Dear Nikhil Verma for showing your passion towards Art, We will keep you updated. Stay Tuned with us

  2. Agree with you.without Art no life.

    1. Thank you Dear Sahil Sultanpuri for your recognition towards Art , we really appreciate your thought " Without Art no Life "
      For More updates Stay Connected with us,


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